DORJE SEMPA and CZENREZIG – two new statues will stand next to the statue of XVI Karmapa.

Dear Friends,
We invite you to support the project of purchasing and fill statues for the RC Nagodzice altar.

In 2012, Lama Ole’s wish was for the forms of Dorje Sempa and Chenrezig to stand next to the statue of the 16th Karmapa. We are working on this project and each of you can become part of this event!

Buddhist Retreat Center Nagodzice
57-530 Międzylesie, Różanka 108, Poland
Euro account number:
Euro IBAN PL83 1020 5095 0000 5502 0169 7176
Transfer title: Donation for religious worship / statues

Polish account number:
78 1020 5095 0000 5702 0169 7168