Meditation course with Cecilia Blasquez 11-13.03.2016


Cecilia was born in Mexico in 1970. Her first contact with Buddhism was at age 19 in the House of Tibet in Mexico. From that moment she began the practice of meditation. In 1991 she met her future teachers – Lama Ole Nydahl and Hannah and started practicing Diamond Way Buddhism.

In 1996, she went with Lama Ole and Hannah on a journey through Australia. Being already a psychologist, she also graduated her master’s degree in clinical psychology in Sydney. Living there for 3 years she actively participated in the life of the local center. From that moment she was travelling a lot with Lama Ole and Hannah in Australia, Latin America, Europe and the United States. She took an active part in creating meditation groups and Diamond Way Buddhist Centers in Mexico. She also helped to start the Diamond Way Center in Metepec.

Cecilia works as a clinical psychologist. She helps homeless animals, is fascinated by painting and is a fan of motorcycles. She currently lives with her husband in the small town of Lerma, close to Mexico City.


11.03.2016  Friday
19.00 dinner
20.30 lecture:  5 disturbing emotions and 5 wisdoms.

12.03.2016 Saturday
8.30  XVI Karmapa meditation
9.00 breakfast
10.00 – 13.00 meditation session
14.00 lunch
16.00 – 18.00 meditation session
19.00 dinner
20.00 lecture: View in Diamond Way Buddhism

13.03.2016 Sunday
9.00 breakfast
10.00 XVI Karmapa meditation
11.00 – 13.00 – meditation session
14.00 lunch
15.30  XVI Karmapa meditation and the end of the course*

**Please join to service team and help us clean after the course

During the course will be given explanations to Ngondro practises. All lectures will be translated into Polish.


Accommodation will be in the dormitory or in gompa – it depends on the order of your arrival. Remember to bring your sleeping bag, sleeping pad, slippers and meditation cushion. Please let us know about your arrival in advance, we provide accommodation and meals only after registration. We don`t have conditions for children. We can pick you up from the railway station in Miedzylesie, shuttle – 5 pln / 1,50 euro.

Full course price is 108 zł/ 25 euro.

There is an option to pay for single meal and lecture at the place.

Please register:




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